Does My Child Have

Dyslexia Symptom Test for Children
Dyslexia is a learning disability that makes it hard for children to read, spell, and plan effectively. It occurs in the brain, and it’s highly genetic; if you have dyslexia, chances are much greater that your child will have dyslexia, too.
If dyslexia remains undiagnosed, a child can fall behind in reading and in the development of language and vocabulary skills. This can cause some children to feel “slow” or “dumb.” It is important to pursue a diagnosis as soon as you see warning signs to help your child improve self-esteem and build new pathways for learning.
This test is not meant to be diagnostic or prescriptive. Pursuing a thorough evaluation is the best way to learn if your child has dyslexia. Licensed psychologists and specialists provide these types of evaluations followed by multisensory tutoring (i.e., Orton Gillingham.)
This free dyslexia self-test is designed to determine whether your child shows symptoms similar to those of dyslexia. If the results give you further concern about the possibility of dyslexia, contact us. An accurate diagnosis can only be made through a proper clinical evaluation. This self-test is for personal use only.
This free dyslexia symptom test was created from criteria developed by the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities.
Does your child have difficulty sustaining attention? Does she space out or get labeled a "daydreamer?"
Does your child avoid reading altogether, or does she get easily frustrated when completing reading-related assignments?
Does your child struggle to copy letters, numbers, or symbols?
After reading a passage, is your child unable to give a summary or discuss key points with you?
Does your child have difficulty budgeting her time or following a schedule?
Does your child spell inconsistently, misspelling words she already knows?
Does your child confuse his left from his right?
Does your child ever say that words "wiggle" or “shimmer” on the page while he’s reading?
Does your child struggle to sound out unknown words?
Is your child’s handwriting inconsistent? Is it less legible some days than others?
Does your child spell inconsistently, misspelling words she already knows?
Is your child of average or above-average intelligence, but seems unable to read at her grade level?
Does your child struggle with word problems — even though he’s otherwise good at math?
Does it seem like your child is better at expressing himself verbally than he is at writing?
Does your child complain of headaches, stomachaches, or dizziness when reading?
0 points
There is a likelihood that your child may be dyslexic. However, since these symptoms are conditional, further testing is required. Give us a call at(503) 387-6116 or email us at
The higher the point total, the greater the likelihood that your child shows signs of dyslexia.